Pizza Lover

When I got told I was a coeliac in 2016, my two favourite things were beer and pizza (such a lady I know). I was pretty gutted to discover this news and thought pizza was ‘off the menu’ from now on.

As I adapted to being coeliac, I got better at looking for gluten free ingredients and restaurants. I realised it was still possible to eat pizza (GF) and found most Italian restaurants are usually very good at offering gluten free options, making it quite easy for me to have it as my ‘go to’, when I’m stuck or suggesting group meet ups.  

So I've made it my mission to make sure that I can still eat pizza whenever and wherever I go, I usually research the best and closest pizza restaurants whenever I go somewhere new. That's why you'll find a running theme through my instagram  and socials, and my blog of, yes you guessed it... PIZZA (I'm not ashamed). 

My biggest bug with many restaurants who offer gluten free pizzas, is that they charge more for a gluten free base (this seems to be the majority!) I’d hate to think what would happen if restaurants and chains started to charge more for another allergy – there would be uproar!

I travel quite a lot to new places, so I want to find as many gluten free pizza restaurants as I can and taste the most amazing gluten free pizzas. Any suggestions or incredible pizza places that are a MUST visit, then please send them my way!

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