Banoffee Pie

Banoffee Pie (v) (gf) 

40 minute recipe from start to finish (including cooling time) 

Per slice (serves 8): 397 calories
(3.3g Protein, 48.5g Carbohydrates, 16.3g of Fat) 


1 tin of carnation caramel (397g) 
15 chocolate digestives (free from gluten)
2 medium banana's - sliced (160g)
100ml of whipping cream - whipped 
2 tbsp coconut oil
2 tbsp lurpak lighter / butter 
1 square of chocolate (12g)


Rolling pin 
Small pan
Food bag 
8" cake tin (removable base preferably) 
Whisk (handheld or electric) 
Cheese grater


Using a sealable food bag and a rolling pin, empty all the biscuits (unless you happen to eat one) inside the bag and break the biscuits into small crumb sized pieces using the rolling pin. 

Melt both the butter and coconut oil into a pan and add the biscuits crumbs and stir until they're all coated.

Pop the biscuit mixture in the bottom of your cake tin, and flatten using the back of a spoon, try to compress the biscuit crumbs for a crunchier, firmer base. Place this in the freezer to cool for 5-10 minutes. 

In the meantime, slice the bananas, grate the slice of chocolate, whip the cream until its gives you stiff peaks and open the caramel sauce. 

After 10 minutes in the freezer, remove the cake tin from the freezer and add the caramel sauce on top of the biscuit base (i always find a little taste her helps) then followed by a thin layer of banana slices on top.  

Add the whipped cream on top of the banana and garnish with the grated chocolate to finish (you can be adventurous with your garnish and add chocolates, fruit, whatever you fancy to top off the banoffee pie).  


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